Top 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Your Business

Google Chrome extensions

Have you ever had moments in your life, where you have been wanting to simplify your work process with Google Chrome?

Today, we will tell you everything about the top 10 Google Chrome Extensions – keep reading to see all the tools that will help you save time and effort with only a click.

We are aware that Google is a giant company when it comes to the digital world. All instruments for analyzing the digital marketing content are based somewhat on Google and Google Chrome. But today, our aim is to focus on tools made FOR Chrome and the Internet, that we use daily. All instruments have a different purpose of use. Using them, we develop all our working processes more effectively. Let’s remember that time is valuable! While using the tools for Chrome pointed below, you will save time by cutting down some other bits and pieces of additional work and planning. And time, as we know it, flies unimaginably fast.

Here are some of the most popular instruments to save time and effort:


Lightshot Screenshot for Chrome

Are you tired of using the Print screen button (PrtSc) to capture a screenshot, then using Paint to edit and save the file, which, in the end, comes out in poor quality? Well, we are tired too! That is why we discovered the tool Lightshot Screenshot. It is available on the Google Play store and as an .exe file, for installation on both Mac and Windows.

What are the benefits you get from using the tool:

  • Screenshooting with PrtSc
  • Marking the screenshot area manually
  • Editing the selected area
  • Writing on the screenshot with arrows and lines
  • Coloring over the selected area
  • Saving the file or uploading it to Cloud
  • Sharing the file instantly
  • Printing

And all happens in front of you, on the screen of your laptop/computer. Without opening other programs: easy, effective and fast. We rate this tool as number one when it comes to the 21st century working man/woman.


Google Webmaster tools

This is one of the Google Chrome Extensions that is an immensely recommended tool when having a website and owning an online business. Why? Because this is a Google platform on which you claim your website ownership! Beforehand, you need to register and own a Google account, so that you can give proof of identification. After that, Google gathers information from your website by creating different statistics. For this purpose, it is good for you to have a Google account. After, you can follow all the data for your website as there might be seen some mistakes as a broken webpage or a duplicated one, etc. Then, you are ready to fix the mistakes and go live!

Thanks to the Google Webmaster tool you can set one URL address that is responding to your website’s content. Thus, you will keep aside the possibility of duplicating a webpage, for which Google punishes your ratings… badly! With this instrument, you can easily look up the exact keywords and online searches by which your users have visited your website.


Web for Instagram

This is a useful Tool for everyone, who uses Instagram. The previous name was known as Websta for Instagram. Anyway, what is its advantage? With this tool, you can manage your Instagram account from your computer desktop. You can review and write comments, upload pictures with friends and others. The little window is small and well positioned on Google Chrome. It starts automatically when opening the Chrome Browser. It has HTTPS protection!


Facebook Pixel helper

This is Facebook’s best helper! Facebook Pixel finds mistakes in the algorithm of your ads instead of you! You save time and funds. He will help you understand if you have installed your Facebook Pixel properly. It is shown as a little window in the upper right corner of Google Chrome. It has lights in green and blue, which means that your Facebook Pixel works properly.

In the window, you will see important numbers. After opening them, Facebook Pixel Helper will show you with which ad you have success and sales, and which does not work. You can follow how many likes you receive on your page, how many products have been added to cart and everything really, concerning your website and you want to see as statistics. With his help, you will create a better-targeted audience to test.

Did you know that you can go back and track data up to 180 days back? You will receive notifications, which are good to pay attention to in time! They signalize if something is wrong with your ads and needs to be fixed. Facebook Pixel Helper is a useful tool and is completely worth the try!


Google URL Shortener

Google URL Shortener or the so-called is a marvelous instrument when you have a situation with an enormous URL link and want to make it shorter! It is even more helpful when your URL address consists of Slavic words and when posted on Facebook, for example, becomes very long and unreliable. Here comes the Google URL Shortener! It shortens the link and makes it look clickable.



Undoubtedly, this is your BFF when writing a text in English! It will not allow you to make even one little mistake! The Chrome extension is useful for every blogger, marketer, and copywriter. We recommend this tool to all consumers who use E-mail, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media networks. It will help and correct: duplicate words, misspelled words, grammar mistakes, comma mistakes or inappropriate adjectives. That is not just an ordinary tool that will show all mistakes. This instrument will explain WHY and HOW to fix your mistakes. Thus, you will not only have correct utterance and correctly spelled texts, when you write blogs or e-mails, but you learn from your own mistakes. Be precise with your language, whenever you write!



You can change your front page when opening Google Chrome. Put a beautiful landscape, which represents a personalized dashboard for your own notes and tasks. Momentum helps you eliminate all other factors that are distracting you and stay focused on your priorities.

How does it work? When starting everyday work and opening Google Chrome, Momentum will immediately ask you the question: “What are your priorities today?”. Thus, you have the chance to priorities all your thoughts, ideas, and tasks while still fresh-minded. This opportunity adding tasks is available at any time on the display. After finishing with any task, just simply cross it out of your To-do list.

To personalize your dashboard according to your taste, click on the icon “Settings” (gearwheel) in the lower left corner of your screen. There, you can add your own links and sites that you visit often or every day. Yes, Mozilla also has this as an opportunity, but Momentum is also available to you too. If you update your normal plan to Plus (from $ 2.50/monthly), you can connect apps like Todoist, Google Task and Trello in the To do the section of your Momentum.

Is there a better way to start your day? Seeing a beautiful landscape, an inspiring thought and a question, asking you: “Good evening! What are your priorities today?” is a morning you can smile too. WE love the 21st century!


Netpeak SEO tool

Netpeak SEO Tool gives us quick and easy access to information useful for basic SEO website analysis. The usefulness of this extension is that it allows us to work with it, without the need to understand HTML or view the source code of the website. The tool gives us information about the meta title and meta description. We have structured data, external outbound links, H1-H6 elements, robots.txt, hreflang tags, canonical and other metrics important to SEO specialists and marketers for website optimization.


Social Blade

This tool is everything you need in order to analyze your accounts’ data on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. With this platform, you can compare YouTube and Instagram channels. Social Blade shows you how many views, followers and likes your YouTube account has. You can also see how many views you have gained in the past 30 days, plus an estimated data for your profits from all video views. These statistics, like many others, are important, if you are looking for quality Influencers to work with. Also, you can explore your competitor’s stats. Hurry up and install this tool – have a look at all the useful information and stats you can get from SocialBlade!


HTTP Headers for Chrome

HTTP Headers has no need of introduction. This is an extension that easily allows you to check Headers of the page. You will see if the website loads with HTTP or HTTPS. You will check if there is Cashe of the page. This tool is useful to all programmers, who want to check and fix something broken on a page and also want to check the stats of every page they are working on.

Some tricks from us

Log into the URL address place and type

  1. chrome://flags/

The long list of settings represents the so-called “flags” for Chrome. From here, you can change many of the settings of the Chome’s interface and its use.

Among the settings, you will find some concerning the speed of your mouse’s scroll while scrolling through the page. Sometimes it is hard to read while scrolling fast through the page. Now you can change this with the setting Smooth Scrolling.

From the long list, you will find all the audio settings for Google Chrome. Ordinarily, on the top left corner, Chrome shows a little speaker icon on all the Tabs where you are listening to something (usually a song or clip on YouTube). This allows you to quickly find the source of your sound and stop it by clicking on the icon. When activating this flag the speaker icon will function as a button for muting the sound. Of course, you can also right click and choose “Mute site”, but this is a way longer, time-consuming process. Activate your “Mute” button from Tab audio muting UI control.

2. – Chrome – when you have no Internet connection

Stop the internet. Copy and paste the following link chrome://network-error/-106 in the URL field.

Click SPACE. Play! 🙂

Thank you for your attention!

We hope the article has been useful to you. Which are YOUR favourite tools? You can leave a comment below.

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