CASE STUDY: 95% Increase of Sales Through Facebook Advertising on Women’s Fashion Online Shop

The 2018 was extremely interesting and successful for our team. We worked with many large customers, won several awards and achieved excellent results for the majority of our clients. But as we like to say – for us every client is important, regardless of the size of their company or financial budget. When working on each project, we give maximum efforts in order to achieve the best possible results.

At the beginning of the summer we received a request for online advertising of an e-store offering women’s clothing, shoes and accessories. The request was specifically for Facebook ads, and the goal set for our team was to increase the turnover of the online store by at least BGN 30,000 per month. The average turnover of the platform in the previous months varied between BGN 20 and 25,000 per month.

Client profile status before we start working together:



In the following months, we managed to significantly increase the traffic on the website and even more precisely to define the most suitable potential customers. We did even more detailed targeting of advertising campaigns to new customers and constantly optimized them. At the same time, we tested different designs, so that we could build a clear idea of the aesthetic preferences of potential Facebook customers.


In just 5 months, our team managed not only to achieve the goals set by the client, but also to exceed them several times.

We almost tripled the turnover of the online women’s fashion store, increasing the advertising budget by only BGN 1,500 in the last quarter, compared to the previous period. Compared to December 2017, we have increased the turnover of the online store by 95%. In December 2017, the turnover was BGN 31,200.

We increased traffic from new users by 100%;

We increased the average daily turnover by almost 120%;

We increased the number of orders by 102%;

We increased the value of the consumer basket by 19%;

The number of unfinished purchases decreased by about 35%.

If you also want to develop your online store, contact our team and we will create a strategy that is consistent with the uniqueness of your business.


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