PPC Advertising and Performance Marketing

What is Performance marketing?

Performance marketing is a marketing strategy where advertisers only pay when specific actions or outcomes are achieved. It focuses on measurable results, such as clicks (i.e. pay-per-click or PPC advertising), leads generated or conversions made. Advertisers work with affiliates, publishers, or advertising networks who are compensated based on predefined performance metrics like cost per lead or acquisition.

Common channels in performance marketing include affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, SEM, social media advertising, and e-mail marketing. By closely monitoring performance metrics, optimizing campaigns, and refining targeting strategies, advertisers can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Performance marketing provides a results-oriented approach that drives meaningful outcomes for businesses while ensuring cost-effective advertising.

Let us create your Performance strategy and help you achieve your desired results. Our team will target the most suitable keywords, ensuring the top advertising spots your business deserves.



One of the most important things for successful Performance marketing campaigns is having a great strategy, aligned with your goals.

Full control over budgets

This branch of digital marketing offers you minute control over your advertising budgets, which in turn helps you better plan your operations.

The right people at the right time

One of the great benefits of PPC campaigns is the fact that your message is presented to the right people at the right stage of their customer journey.

Expertise and insight

The professionals who work at Tendrik have vast experience in the field and can give you some great advice and insights, based on their expertise.


Research and strategy

We start by getting to know your business, products, bestsellers, key performance indicators (KPIs), and researching your competitors. We analyze the available data, discuss your priorities and create a strategy.

Analysis and optimisation

After implementing the first steps of our action plan, we continuously analyse the results and optimize campaigns. At this stage you will receive a custom report, allowing you to follow results in real-time.


Finally, we start scaling the best-performing campaigns. Our ultimate goal is to help your business grow as much as you dare to dream.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What are the benefits of Performance marketing?

Performance marketing is an extremely effective way to improve your sales and reach your financial goals. Here are some of its benefits:

  • Effectiveness – this branch of marketing is driven by results. It provides full control over your marketing budget and spending.
  • Targeting – the target audience can be precisely chosen according to a variety of criteria.
  • Measurable results – performance and pay-per-click advertising give you the opportunity to follow closely your results and know the exact return on investment.
  • Fast results – results from your advertising strategy are expected already within the first couple of months.
  • Easy change of parameters – after the campaign starts working, it is being constantly monitored and analyzed and can be easily changed and optimized.
What does Performance marketing include?

There are many different types of advertisements which can be included in a well-rounded Performance marketing strategy. Some of the most popular include:


  • Search engine advertising
  • Display ads
  • YouTube ads
  • Product ads
  • Social media ads
What is SEM marketing?

Search engine marketing includes all tactics which aim to include your website’s visibility in search engines. With the ever-increasing interest of customers in online shopping, pay-per-click advertising and performance marketing are fast becoming indispensable for SEM and digital marketing.
This branch of marketing increases the chance that clicks will turn into a website visit. And the larger your website traffic, the better your positioning in SERPs will be.

Why is SEM an important part of digital marketing?

SEM is one of the most important aspects of marketing if your goal is generating web traffic. It complements SEO and copywriting by placing your brand within the top spots of search engine results pages.
Some time ago SEM was used as an umbrella term for everything, connected to online marketing, including SEO. Nowadays more and more people realize the difference between SEO and SEM. The term currently encompasses paid advertising in search engines. Here are some of the main advantages, which turn SEM into a preferred method of popularization:


  • Increase in sales – The aim of any marketing approach is to increase a company’s earnings. SEM is an excellent method for achieving this goal. Although the results depend on the industry and the business model of your company, it is not unusual to achieve a net income twice the size of the one anticipated.
  • Diverse aims – Although the main target is increasing sales, there are many additional benefits, such as more website visits, increased newsletter subscribers and other interactions with your brand and website.
  • Local marketing – This is an important tool for every business with brick-and-mortar locations. Very often users search for certain services near them.
  • Immediate results – Many marketing strategies generate results after at least 6 months. SEM campaigns however can tangibly increase your traffic and sales from the very beginning. It is important to bear in mind that campaigns go through an optimization process. This is why initial results are not indicative of the full potential of your campaign.
  • The easiest way to the #1 spot – Paid advertisements are placed at the very top of search engine results. This means your ad can easily become the first answer a user sees for their query. Studies suggest that one of the most important things for increasing website traffic is to appear on the first page of SERPs.
How can the services of Tendrik benefit you?

We will provide high-quality management of all PPC advertising campaigns through Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, which will give a strong impact on the online positioning rates of your website. Organic traffic is becoming more and more difficult to achieve, given the strong development of the competitive environment, but not impossible. With a great Performance marketing strategy and a well-optimized PPC campaign, you can achieve results which will increase the traffic to your website, improve sales and help you achieve your financial goals.

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