Tendrik E-commerce Checklist 2020: TOP 5 most useful things

The emergency caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has clearly shown the need for businesses to operate online. Those who were prepared were able to adapt quickly to the new conditions and generate profits. The others, whose brick-and-mortar stores were closed, faced serious difficulties. If your situation is similar, this should not discourage you, quite the opposite. Now is a good time to focus your efforts on building a functioning and profitable online business. You can check our E-commerce Checklist 2020!

In recent years, the Tendrik team has helped many online retailers develop their stores. Therefore, we are aware that in order to successfully deal with this endeavor, you need to know the intricacies of e-commerce and advertising on different platforms. There is plenty of information online, but most of  is often old, inaccurate or presented in incomprehensible language.

We know that the period is difficult for many online retailers, so we decided to help. For this purpose, we have created a completely free, detailed and up-to-date checklist that will help you go through all the steps necessary for the successful development of your online store. We present you E-commerce Checklist 2020!

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What is E-commerce Checklist 2020?

E-commerce Checklist 2020 is convenient and systematic tool created to help owners of online stores. It includes over 20 pages of useful content, presented in understandable language. With its help you will easily go through all the basic steps – from the integration of tools to marketing activities to develop your online store, as well as to find possible gaps. These are the same steps that our marketers use on a daily basis to help our customers.

In addition, in E-commerce Checklist 2020 you will find useful tips prepared by the marketing specialists of Digital Agency SEOMAX, which you can apply in practice and always achieve high results.

In the following lines we raise the curtains and we will tell you a little more about the most useful things you will find in our checklist.

Top 5 most useful things you will find in E-commerce Checklist 2020

  1. What tracking tools do you need to integrate?

One of the great advantages of online advertising is that you can track and measure the result. Using the data you receive from the various tracking tools, you can not only more easily optimize your advertising campaigns, but also find out which pages users spend more time on, possible bugs that prevent them from completing the order, and so on.

In order not to miss any of the important tracking tools, we have made a detailed list, which you will find at the beginning of our checklist.

  1. How to effectively test your online store step by step?

One of the most common reasons for the long absence of orders is due to technical problems with the site or aggravated order forms that make the customer not to finish the order. To prevent this, you need to get into a customer’s shoes and test your site.

In the checklist we have covered in detail all the things that are important to test, and we have also prepared some useful tips on how to do it.

  1. What are the important steps for creating Google ads?

Of course, we couldn’t miss Google ads. If you’re interested in learning what keyword selection tools you can use, how to structure your campaigns properly, and what extensions to add, be sure to download Ecommerce Checklist 2020!

  1. What are the intricacies of creating successful advertising campaigns on Facebook?

Facebook is an effective and preferred advertising channel for many businesses. To achieve results and optimize the costs you invest in advertising, it is good to know the specifics of Facebook ads.

That is why in E-commerce Checklist 2020 we have dedicated a large part to them. It looks in more detail at the different types of audiences and campaigns you can create. And also the main indicators that it is advisable to monitor.

One of the extremely useful things are two mini checklists, in which we pay attention to what you need to do before and after you run your Facebook ad.

  1. How to communicate with users on social networks?

As you know, content is important. If you have no idea what content to post in order to engage users on social networks, in our checklist we have taken care to give you some ideas.

In E-commerce Checklist 2020 you will find more useful tips and good practices that will help you achieve high results in online trading. Download it for free and put into practice the professional knowledge you will receive!

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