Name Day Module, or a way to show your clients how special are they to you

имен ден модул

Whatever kind of business you manage, one of the most important goals is for it do satisfy your customers desires and wishes and to take care of your customer. Besides a variety of products, optimized website with nice, responsive and user-friendly design, human touch, the clients really like to feel special and unique, to have someone pay attention to them. There are different ways to do that: with special promotions, interactive publication/games, actions that stimulate purchase, such as different subgroups of clients (such as Loyal customers – and the certain bonuses they entail) and so on.

In this text we will tell you about one way to make your customers feel special and give them a feel of the human touch behind you brand. Our choice through which we can show the special attitude towards our customers is an ordinary congratulations. Yes, that’s right. We do not forget to congratulate our customers.
Before we explain how we optimized this process and present the first automated module of this kind, we must see

Why showing special treatment to your customers is so important:

– People like to buy from… well, people. In the online shopping everything is customized. But only when you show the “face” of your business, you gain the trust of your customers and increase your sales.
– For providing exceptional customer service – as you know the service is not limited to a purchase of the product you offer. It takes exceptional service to turn one-time buyers into regular and loyal customers.
People like to feel special, and also showered with love and attention. By showing that you have not forgotten about them on their important day, holiday or occasion, you will not not only gain their trust and loyalty, but also turn them into an advertisement of sorts for your business. And we all know that advertising by mouth and recommendation is the influencive.

These are just part of the reasons that should make you consider a change of your strategy. After all, your customers are people, not just money machines. And as such you must treat them with respect.

As you have probably guessed, however, despite the many positives that come after this choice – personal and professional, it is extremely difficult and time consuming. We can actually add to that and impossible (not without the help of our faithful computer and equipment). The larger your business is, the more impossible it is to remember and take the time to congratulate personally every single one of our clients.

Our solution

NameDay module is the first automated such module. We have developed a module to one of the most popular e-commerce platform – OpenCart, with the help of which we automate this process and gives the opportunity to easily congratulate even all of our thousands subscribers for their respective name day. This way you not only save time and can head on to work on your business and improving it (again in favour of your customers) but you haven’t neglected the oh-so-important human factor. The online store that choose to use it not only receive many thank you emails and answers, but also increase their sales in these specific days.
Either way, it boils down to this – if you care about your customers and show them how important they are to you, they will be loyal and will not turn to another store. And not just that – you will be able to build a loyal customer base, good and true reputation and acquire new customers.
Sounds good, right? Okay, let’s explain how it works, then.
The module itself is divided in three main parts – Namedays, Settings, Layout.


1. Name days

Its main purpose is to send personalized messages to all customers to your online store, which have namedays. By default all the official name days are inserted into the database from the Bulgarian Nameday Calendar. You can add/remove a name day at any given time.

opencart интеграция

Any name day can be viewed as a table row. The rows are as follows: Date, Holiday, Title, Names, Message, Layout, Preview, Remove.

1.1. Date: This is a “date-picker” field with which you add/choose/modify the desired date. On this day all wishes for this particular name day will be sent.

1.2. Holiday: This is an optional field. It allows easier orientation amongst the many name days.

1.3. Title: This is the e-mail title, that will be sent to the user. Here you can use “wild-cards” – {firstname}, {lastname} – they will be replaced with the name of the user that has filled in these fields with registration.

1.4. Names: These are all the names that will be used for the respective name day.

E.g. For the names Nikola and Nikolai, will be searched all registered users with names like: nikola, Nikola, Nikolay, Nikolai, nikolai, Никола, Николай, никола, николай, Nicholas and so on – and to all of them will be sent a congratulatory e-mail.

1.5. Message: This is the message that will be sent to the user.

Here you can use the visual editor to compile prettier messages.

1.6. Layout: this is the layout of the soon sent e-mail The idea is to be able to easily change the template of every e-mail, without changing every single other thing.

1.7. Preview: quick preview.

1.8. Remove: removing of the name day.

2. Settings

2.1. Status – status of the module – on/off

2.2. Purchase key – key that you will receive from us in order for the module to start working. It is important to be entered otherwise the module will not function.

2.3. Store your platform can support many stores and here you can select for which of them the module to be active.
2.4. To – here you choose which of your client groups (Customer Groups) to send your messages.
2.5. Hour – you choose when to send your message.

3. Layout

3.1. Name: Template’s name (optional).

3.2. html: Template’s content

It is mandatory to use “wild-cart” {message} because in its place will be put the message from the first tab.


As you can see, the module is not only designed to save time, but also to facilitate the process – its layout is made to be convenient, consistent and easy to use.

имен ден

All in all, we can conclude that making people feel special, noticed and remembered makes them stay close and loyal to you and that feelings. If you make your customers feel good, pay attention and give them good deals and products they will have no reason to seek anything elsewhere. In this article we presented one (of many) option to improve your online performance. If you want to take advantage of the NameDay module for OpenCart we have developed, contact us.
If you want to learn more about our projects, you can do it here. We’re available for any further questions.

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