CASE STUDY: Complete Digital Service for Brand Perfumery Online Store

What we did in 2018 and continue to do for

First, we started by building a complete digital strategy, divided into two parts. These two parts were distributed to the web and marketing departments of the agency. All the steps you will see described below, concerning the web part of the strategy implementation, were performed sequentially. The marketing strategy and the tools were used in parallel each month. We announced the start of work on by updating the website design.

Technical part

  • Online Store Redesign

The platform had a well-built and logically connected user path, but the design was obsolete. Our team of designers and programmers work together to choose the most appropriate Open Cart design to offer to the client. We made preliminary mockups so that the client could clearly see our offer. We customized the theme to be as convenient as possible for the end user, who could quickly find his way when searching for a page, product category or a specific product.


Marketing part

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads

One of the main features of working with is that our team does not have a fixed budget for advertising. The budget may vary depending on the results. Our client trusts us and instead of a fixed budget, gives us flexibility, determining the average price per conversion that he is willing to spend.

We have launched many advertising campaigns in different formats and for different purposes. Thanks to our PPC (Pay-per-click) specialists, we have created individual campaigns for the client, among which is the campaign for finished perfume.


  • Creating and regrouping product categories

In order for search engines to correctly read which page is product, which is categorical, it is extremely important to create the most clearly and accurately described structure. This task is absolutely mandatory for any online store, so that the online platform can be ranked in good search positions not only with its home page, but through category and even product pages.

What did we achieve?

The positioning of the site is extremely good. It appears in the first position for keywords “original perfumes”, “branded perfumes”, but also in the leading positions in the search for specific products. According to the very competitive keyword “perfumes”, in 2018 it reached the first position for a certain period of time. 

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