Case Study: Facebook and Google ads for online mattress store is a project, developed by a client of ours who has many years of experience in the mattress and sleep products industry. Our mission was to create a brand new online store and brand. We started from scratch, making sure the site gains customers, and popularity while delivering results as quickly as possible.

How did we start?

When launching the Sleepzone project, we wanted to build an online store as soon as possible so that we had more time to focus on the marketing strategy and advertising channels. It was vital to us that the website be ready without unnecessary delays, but also without compromising on the quality.

That’s the reason why we decided to trust Gombashop. Using the platform allowed us to set up an online store, equipped with all functionalities necessary for successful online sales, within days.

What were the first steps we took?

As already mentioned, Sleepzone started as a completely new brand without any customer base or any presence in the online sphere. This is why we started to start our advertising efforts with Facebook and Google. We created a Facebook page and set up Google Analytics, Facebook and Google Ads accounts. Then we added Facebook Pixel as well as all the other trackers needed to successfully present our ads.

Having completed the necessary preliminary steps, we continued with a comprehensive analysis of the market and competitors, in order to build a strategy and action plan.


Actions by marketing channel

Facebook Ads

We launched the Facebook advertising strategy by testing different audiences based on interests and demographics. We used a combination of traffic, engagement and conversion campaigns. Our main goal at the beginning was to introduce the website to a well-selected audience, consisting of users who could be our potential customers.

Once we gained traffic and generated a certain number of orders, we started actively using warm audiences based on Facebook Pixel. Subsequently, we relied increasingly on different Lookalike audiences, which we tested continuously to achieve the best results.

As our previous experience has shown many times, the usage and testing of a large number of advertising formats and creatives is a very successful practice that delivers good results. Therefore, we tested a significant amount of different banner ads, designs and texts to find what works best in this niche.

Here are some of the designs we made:


Facebook ads results within 50 days:

  • Nearly 20 advertising campaigns
  • Nearly 40 advertising groups
  • Over 75 advertising formats
  • Over 20 graphic designs
  • Reach – 154,353 people
  • Link Clicks – 14,198
  • Average CTR – 48%

Google Ads

In Google Ads, we focused on Search campaigns based on keywords that we selected on the basis of our preliminary research at the launch of the project. We tested both a variety of words and different match types to find the best-performing combinations.

Later we started testing dynamic and display campaigns, as well as product feeds.

Google ads results within 50 days:

  1. 7 main advertising campaigns
  2. 700,388 impressions
  3. 17,419 clicks
  4. Average CTR – 23%

Summary of the first 50 days since the start of the ads:

  • 6-digit turnover
  • Over 300 new customers
  • Over 400 mattresses sold

This is just one of the success stories we can tell you about. In case you are also looking for a way to achieve high results for your business, rust the experienced marketing specialists at Tendrik! Contact our team and let’s write your success story together.

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