Case Study: Facebook and Google ads for online coffee shop

2020 was full of precedents and unexpected changes. Many businesses went fully online, quite a few new websites were created, and existing online stores gained momentum as they began advertising with even greater force.

In this Case Study we will present and the improvements we achieved together.

How did we start working together? is one of the largest online stores for coffee, tea and coffee machines in Bulgaria, which offers a variety of products of the highest quality brands – Nestle, Lavazza, Starbucks, Vegnano, illy, Maromas, Jacobs and many others. We started work in April 2020 and the goal was to increase turnover, the number of orders and traffic to the site.

Facebook marketing and Google ads

Before the launch of the campaigns, we studied and analysed the competitors, the results achieved so far, and the approaches used in certain individual channels. Based on this information, we created our action plan.

How did we improve results?

Google Ads

First, we started by planning and launching the Google Ads campaigns. We conducted in-depth keyword research. For the period April 2020 – April 2021, we created in Google Search 9 main campaigns, 36 ad groups, and 125 ad texts. We achieved 56 473 clicks, 1 400 947 impressions, CTR of 4.03%, cost per achieved order of BGN 4.99, Conversion Rate of 1.11% and a ROAS (Return on Advertising Investment) of 6.


Parallel to our Google Ads efforts, we launched multiple campaigns on Facebook. We tested different audiences, formats and targets. Between April 2020 and April 2021, we created 73 ad campaigns, 142 ad sets, 102 ad visuals, reached 7,666,898 people and achieved an average cost per sale of €1.20 and a ROAS of 16.

We started a Facebook game that takes place every month. We organized 13 Facebook games and gave away 20 prizes.

We created 110 social media posts, dividing them into several categories: curious facts about coffee, product posts, posts requiring reactions and more.

As a result, in one year we managed to increase page likes by 2,913, reaching a total of 14,606 by April 2021. And the number keeps constantly increasing. As of June 2023, the total number of followers on the Coffee Spot Facebook page is 19,189.

Some of the visual materials that we used:

We created 165 different looks for Facebook, and here we present a small selection of them:

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