Case Study: Development of the online clothing store during the pandemic

The year 2020 was unlike any other – both in our daily lives and in business. Many websites and online stores stopped their advertising on the Internet or reduced their budgets, while others increased them and made the most of the situation. With this Case Study, we want to introduce you to an online clothing store of the second type. is one of the TOP 100 biggest online fashion brands in Bulgaria. It is well known, thanks to 25 years of steady development and 14 physical locations across the country. Every week, the physical stores and the online store have a new refill to satisfy their consumers’ never-ending desire for new fashion finds.

How did we start working together?

GANG came to us before the start of the pandemic with the desire to further develop their online sales. Realistically, their goal was to sustainably increase online sales by 30%. At the start of the pandemic, we launched our joint partnership in 3 areas: full-service online development consulting, Google ad management, and online store search engine optimization (SEO). Within half a year we successfully achieved the set goals, doubling the expected results.

Marketing part

Online Facebook and Google Ads as well as SEO

Prior to our Facebook launch, the client was using marketing funnels that brought some results, but they wanted more. A brand campaign was launched in Google Ads across the search network. Since there is a high demand for the GANG brand, the daily budget in the account was regularly being spent. The client used additional techniques, including e-mail campaigns, but had not worked on optimizing the site for search. Thanks to branding, the site had a good ranking for some important keywords, but there is always room for improvement.

How did we improve results?

  • We did some consultations with the GANG team to improve Facebook advertising and influence customer behaviour during the pandemic;
  • We launched Google Ads campaigns across the web on a keyword search with focus categories;
  • We launched several remarketing campaigns in the Google Ads search network;
  • We created dynamic campaigns in Google Ads with the Google index;
  • We turned off the brand search for campaigns aimed at new audiences, in order to acquire fresh new traffic;
  • We tested different ad messages and audiences;
  • We optimized the site for keywords important to the business;
  • Link building in different media to gain authority with search engines;
  • We sent weekly reports on results achieved through the Facebook page, Facebook and Instagram advertising, Google Ads, Mailchimp and SEO.

Results – After the pandemic

Facebook and Google ads

Before the pandemic, GANG had a good track record but stood alone in sales with 10 ROAS. Their goal was not only to reach certain turnovers, but also to maintain these values. Thanks to the joint efforts of the GANG and Tendrik team we have achieved:

  • The ROAS score jumped from 10 to 18;
  • The price per conversion dropped by 17%;
  • Nearly 100% increase in sales from Facebook and Instagram;
  • 40% increase in Google Ads sales;
  • 35% increase in organic traffic on Google;
  • 32% increase in sales from organic traffic.


The results of the website are showing exceptional growth:

  • 7% increase in site sales;
  • 102% increase in site revenue;
  • Conversion Rate growth from 0.98% to 1.24%;
  • 11% increase in site users;
  • 30 min. increase in users’ time spent on the site.

Most importantly, these results are being maintained and even improved.

Chart: sales statistics from Google Analytics 01.02.2020-31.10.2020 vs 01.02.2019-31.10.2019

Google Ranking Results


Nowadays, it is crucial for every business to have a presence on the Internet. However, just making an online store is not enough. In order to realize your full potential, you need good SEO and a working advertising strategy.

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