Mentorship and collaboration with Zizzy Bar

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Zizzy Bar is a professional mobile bar hiring service in East Anglia and London. They specialise in cocktails and high quality drinks.

Zizzy Bar is founded by four young and ambitious students in 2015 – just 10 days after Graduation. Their team consist of professional bartenders with solid experience in the hospitality sector, but also coming from various career backgrounds. The fact that 3 of them graduated with different degrees from the University of Essex gives them a significant advantage over their competitors. With that knowledge they manage their finances on their own, keep their accounting books, design their marketing plans and form and establish good connections with suppliers and clients.

Their initial aim was to open the first “Green Smoothie Bar” in Colchester but after facing various barriers and the inability to manage them, the plan was changes. After a substantial market research showing that Essex is the area where people have the highest number of weddings and engagement parties, they immediate jump to the execution of the idea of establishing their own mobile bar company. The range of events they do vary from birthday, engagement and private parties to weddings, corporate events and festivals.

Step by step they’ve managed to build a base for a really successful company with loyal customers. They were able to buy the needed equipment and then made a decision to make their own handmade wooden bar which later turned out to be their our main selling point and a huge hit at wedding parties.

Their services include three different options:

  • Cash Bar – guests pay for their own drinks;
  • Prepaid Bar – event organisers prepay for the drinks for a certain amount of time;
  • Mixed bar – you put some money behind the bar and once they run out guests start to pay.

They’ve been widely covered by English media, which gave them an additional boost in popularizing their activity.

Tendrik did the initial SEO on the Zizzy Bar’s website. After a basic optimisation, consultation and an evaluation, the results were visible. Here’s what they said about our collaboration:

We were introduced to the Tendrik company from one of the guests lectures that Petar Dyaksov gave at the University of Essex. From his inspirational speech, we understood that we could definitely trust him and his company. It was enough just the fact that he mentioned his individual approach to every customer and the incredible results that they get out of it. For us SEO was something that we were thinking of doing from the very start or our business, but we were a bit unsure where we need to start from. Now when we have the experienced Tendrik team on board with us we know what the right direction is and we look forward to getting better results with them! We are incredibly thankful for the detailed report of our website that the experts at Tendrik provided us with and the free consultation that we received along with it.

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