The Voice of Chatbots – How Do They Work?

chatbot tendrik

Voice-enabled chatbots have revolutionized digital interaction, making tasks like navigating customer service menus or receiving assistance while driving more intuitive and efficient. From mobile apps to messaging platforms, these AI chatbots have become an integral part of modern digital ecosystems.  But how do these sophisticated systems work? What makes a bot “speak” in a natural […]

Tendrik is a Recommended Partner of euShipments

image of a computer and the title of the article

From point A to point B with euShipments by InOut Successful delivery means to understand how to get your package from point A to point B hassle-free. E-commerce sales increase constantly, leading to a surge in package volume. According to the InOut, in the 2025 year, worldwide commerce will be pushed by e-commerce stores. This creates […]

Top 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Your Business

Google Chrome extensions

Have you ever had moments in your life, where you have been wanting to simplify your work process with Google Chrome? Today, we will tell you everything about the top 10 Google Chrome Extensions – keep reading to see all the tools that will help you save time and effort with only a click. We […]

5 SEO Trends that will dominate in 2018

They say that if it is not on the first page on Google, it doesn’t really exist. Of course, it does exist, but obviously, this is an ironic way of depicting today’s society, which is so used to getting the information they search for right away, and wouldn’t even bother clicking on page number “two”. […]

The most popular Ecommerce templates for 2017

More than half of modern consumers prefer to shop online rather than in a physical store. With online shopping trends being more versatile than ever and undergoing constant changes, the modern retailer has got to be flexible and most of all – be strategic and targeted in their efforts, both online and offline. When it […]