New online store for “Za choveka”


“Za choveka” is a chain store for perfumery and cosmetics, established in 1996 in Stara Zagora. Their goal is to provide complete beauty care with uncompromising quality and perfect service and consultations to their customers. Lead by the idea of offering the largest variety of products and also convenience for its customers, the company decided to launch an online store.

We at Tendrik designed a new online store consistent with the current trends for “Za choveka” in order to help with their mission to provide a convenient and easy way to purchase products of quality. The store was created on one of the most used and preferred e-commerce platforms – OpenCart. We chose OpenCart because of the platform has a modular structure, provides a large range of possibilities, and also has a convenient and intuitive user interface and easy navigation. It allows retailers to manage their online store easily and independently, too.

The online store has a responsive design compatible with different web browsers and is accessible through any mobile and desktop devices. The design is also innovative. On the homepage you can see the different banners and sliders followed by different categories of products. Then the newest products, bestsellers and different promotions take place. And if wanted – the user can subscribe to their newsletter divided to one for every category, according to the user’s interests. At the bottom of the page, we can find more additional information about the firm and its promotions and doings and a way to contact them through social media.


When we open the product’s page we see that we can share it on social media, add it in our wishlist and see other similar products. If we decide to proceed to checkout and add it to our cart, you see that you can pay with vouchers and coupons. We can order without registration and with quick checkout – on one page only. Also we can pay in different currencies, with different types of cards and with ePay.

What else did we develop for “Za choveka”?

  • Logo and slogan;
  • Automatic import of products – we have connected the storage software to the website’s products, in order for it to be up to date;
  • The website is connected to their social media accounts;
  • Adding of micro data, which helps with the website visualisation when searched for and its SEO performance.

If you like our products and would like to use our services, don’t hesitate and contact us.


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