Digital marketing for the Crazy Kids children’s clothing store

Crazy Kids is an online clothing and accessories store for children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years of age.

We have decided that the presentation of our current projects has its positives. This makes it easier to get acquainted with the wide range of services we offer and find out more about the nature of our work. We strongly believe that the results and success of a campaign is tracked most accurate when it was given the most important information in its very beginning. That’s why we’ll tell you about this very interesting project, linked to a complete digital marketing strategy – Facebook advertising, Google AdWords, SEO, email marketing and more.

Online children’s clothing store Crazy Kids offers elegant, modern and comfortable children’s clothes, shoes and accessories. The owner of Crazy Kids Gabriela Mladenova and her team believe they have found their vocation. Based on many years of experience, they provide the most efficient and convenient way to select clothes, shoes and accessories for children from 0 to 18 years. The assortment includes a huge variety of products – from clothing to all kinds of entertainment for children of all ages. The selection of some of the best European children’s clothing brands – Mayoral, Angel’s Face, Boboli, Tuc Tuc and Minoti makes them the market leader.

This year, the main focus of the company will be placed on marketing and communication in social networks and in particular will focus on Facebook marketing. We have not talked once again about the vast opportunities the social network offers for online businesses. Besides an important and obligatory marketing channel, social networks are also a convenient communication channel – so the current and future clients of the company are made aware of the latest promotions, news, changes and opinions.

Crazy Kids decided to trust us for performing digital marketing strategy and its implementation. The official start of the project was in 2017, and now we will tell you what we should do in the coming months:

Market research and competition

There are several steps that can help businesses understand the answer to what sets them apart from other players on the market. The first and most important of these is related to the research of the competitors and the niche in which the business itself develops. To place an online campaign, you need a clear idea of the target audience in this niche. Often the good at first glance campaign does not reach the right people, which lowers the chances of success drastically. In such a case, it is understood that it is not compiled and researched correctly.

Manage paid ads on Facebook

An advertising campaign could be very successful if the team behind the campaign to create maximum specified purpose. Creative planning and proper describe an extremely important role in the influence of advertising and its result. Every paid ad needs constant adjustments, additions, and optimization. Advertising campaigns require constant monitoring, as the results they will present in the campaign are of great importance for its further development.


Manage Google AdWords Campaigns

When we create campaigns, we don’t leave any golden opportunity aside. That is why, in parallel with ads on social networks, we activate and Google AdWords, which not only helps the ranking of the business but is another indispensable tool for achieving the goals of online marketing strategy.

The most reasonable step in a campaign is the budget appropriately allocated. With quality study and monitoring of click prices, our campaign will be fully prepared to finance advertising.


Crazy Kids want to be “the best online children’s clothing store in Bulgaria” (and not only). That is why one of our new ambition to be No.1 in Google’s chosen keywords and phrases. Our practice shows that online stores that position themselves in the first few Google locations in their niches get more traffic and more orders than their competitors.


Our design team has a valuable insight into the visual trends and is aware of every subtlety of web design requirements. Preparation of professional design for a campaign is not only coupled with the peculiarities of the business niche, but with design trends.

All of the above represents the overall framework of a successful advertising campaign in Facebook, lined with Google AdWords campaigns and SEO strategy. The realization of this project is entrusted to a team of Tendrik, but planning it done with the help of our partners from Crazy Kids and their valuable experience and many years practice. We express our satisfaction and happiness that we have the opportunity to work with such professionals.

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