Tendrik Team’s Favorite Websites

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After our official introduction on Facebook, we decided to tell you a little bit more about ourselves and our interests. In this article, we will tell you which are some of our favorite online places – where we find inspiration, gather new ideas, learn new things, or love to “waste our time”. Our work is almost entirely taking place online, so it has been difficult to limit ourselves to only a few favorite websites. However, for the common good, we decided to share only three favorites – a little chaotic, emotional but we hope useful. This way, we hope you will not only feel like you know us better already but also to spread some inspiration, new ideas and the good mood all around.

Ivan Abadzhiev – Tendrik’s CTO and back-end developer


Kaldata – Kaldata exists since I can remember and even now it’s still one of the most famous Bulgarian websites for technological (gaming, software, hardware) news. I visit it daily when I want to learn something or need a 5-minute break and want to fill it with new, useful information.

Sitepoint – I think this website is absolutely mandatory for anyone involved in programming. It offers useful information covering many different topics. There are tutorial, books, courses, explanations, useful news and tools, and everything you need in order to be successful in your field.

Udemy – Udemy is a platform that I won’t stop recommending or visiting. Really useful, I have learned so much from their courses and trainings – things that I continue to use daily in my work. It’s great because it’s not just for programmers but covers a wide range of topics – professional and personal qualities, that are just waiting to be learnt and help you achieve your goals. And the best thing is that they are always offering some discounts and/or promotions, so you can learn a lot for small prices.

Vera Pitseva – graphic designer


Character Design References – I love this website. Really, I can talk about it for hours and it would be full of positive things. It’s my daily inspiration and includes incredible artists and animators that will knock your socks off. Recently I read that there was a Bulgarian artist featured which makes it even more awesome. 🙂

Klear – I like it a lot – I like its design and the useful information they offer. Financial literacy and the management of one’s finances is something that everyone should know something about, and here all this is explained really good. I think every responsible (young) adult should read it, and often at that.

Pinterest – I do not know whether it would sound cliché to say that Pinterest changed my work and my personal routine, but nonetheless this is completely true. I find inspiration, new ideas and information, and many other things closely related to my interests. This is undoubtedly my favorite social network.

Must add: It’s hard to pinpoint only three websites, I’m sorry! I want to share two Youtube channels I visit every day and that make me a better and more skilled at my work – Phlearn and Tuts+ Design.

Larisa Ilieva – digital marketing intern


Quora – One of my favorites. A place where professionals from different industries share every stupid thing (useful and interesting information) they have done on their way to the top. It not only satisfies my curiosity but I also learn a great deal every single day, educate myself on different topics, and have access to great resources and professional advice directly from the kitchen of the successful businesses.

Lifehack – A place where every time I find something new, interesting and extremely useful. Their articles are exemplary, informative and really important. Really one of the best and most useful Bulgarian website in the world wide web.

BoredPanda – Because I’m a panda and I love reading emotional stories while I drink my morning joe. 🙂 I relax and bring positive energy into my life. It gives me insight into different stories and topics and greatly inspires me. It’s awesome.

P.S. Since I am a vlogger too, I cannot help but add at least one of my favorite vlogs, which I take as an example. II SUPERWOMAN II is Lilly Sing’s vlog and is place where I have spent hours, crying from laughter and feeling inspired. She truly is an inspiring woman. She always manages to motivate me by showing that the 24 hours we all have a day are absolutely enough as long as you know what your goals or intentions are. I learnt a lot from her and her vlog – things I still use to this day in my professional or personal life.

Jenny Pasztorka – аssistant Manager


Uspelite – Uspelite is a breath of fresh air. It’s great to be able to start your day with only positive news, and it definitely puts a smile on your face. “The Positive News in Bulgaria from the Last 24 Hours” is my favorite category. The world is changing every single day, and so do we. And you can be a part of the positive change!

TEDInspiration can be found in everything! The TED videos prove that this sentence is true. The stories shared by TED lecturers have not only motivated me but have also taught me a great deal of stuff and good practices.

Canva – This platform offers different templates, graphs, tools for editing, formats, and everything else you need to create a great design, and most of them are completely free. You do not need Photoshop skills. I use Canva for banners and posters, with which I have promoted events in the past – online and offline. The word “boredom” doesn’t exist there – I have browsed through some of the posters for hours and been left fascinated.

I feel the need to add Instagram and Bloglovin – I often find inspiration and new ideas from these two platforms.

Denitsa Pilkova – copywriter


Reddit – Reddit is a website where I spend more and more time. You can really find everything there – unbiased news, huge amount of information about anything really, new ideas, inspiration, fun, new things, tips, opinions, stories, and so on. From subreddits for favorite books or series, those for cute and aww-inspiring pics of animals, nature, to world news, industry news, professional advice, and ways to learn new skills. Their app is also cool and easy to use (especially if you want to read something interesting before you fall asleep).

StumbleUpon – StumbleUpon is my next choice. The idea is simple – you point out your interests and the website (via the “Stumble” button) gives you results (from all the world wide web) that are related only to those interests you pointed out. It filters the information and give you only this that would be of interest to you. You can make it show stumbles relevant only to a specific interest, or like a certain result so that you can show it you want to see more of the similar. It is extremely useful – I have found insanely interesting things there, things I didn’t even know existed, and from which great ideas were born.

Spotify – Okay, I know this is not exactly a website but there’s a web version, so it count! The thing is I can’t live without Spotify. I listen to music almost all of the time – while I am working, walking/travelling someplace, reading, working on my daily to-do list. My type of work requires clear mind and conscious and a lot of creativity, and Spotify is really helping me with that. One of my favorite things is that you can discover very easily great new music. You can listen to many different playlist matching your mood/condition on this certain day, use the “song radio” function, you can create your own playlists (for a certain occasion or just because), or enjoy once again the discography of your favorite band/artists. All of this nurtures my creativity and the right musical background help me do my job even better and more effective.

I would also like to add TED and How to write. The stories that are shared by TED are extremely inspirational, moving and uplifting. And “How to write” (it’s a Bulgarian website, there’s also a book that’s been published) is a website that answers all your questions about grammar and punctuation. The English version of that (and also something I really love) is Grammarly.

Petar Dyaksov – Tendrik’s CEO and owner


Lifehack – I saw that this was already mentioned in someone else’s list but I really cannot skip it. (Our graphic designer also included this website in her selection.) Lifehack is a website I visit daily and not even for a moment I have thought it’s not a useful, educational and downright really important. It’s absolutely mandatory for everyone, no matter what their profession is. I give my best wishes to Hristo and his team and hope for even greater successes in the future!

Capital – Capital is a great sources for unbiased and reliable business news. Their teams gives detailed information about current topics – allowing you to not only be aware of what is happening in the world but also to draw your own conclusions from it. We need more medias like them!

Entrepreneur  In this website you can find really interesting, useful, and inspirational articles. Entrepreneur give us really valuable advice and guidelines, that can be easily used in real life and bring great results. I consider it mandatory for ambitious people that want to grow and learn new things.

Ivan Dimov – front-end developer


TheNewBoston – Great website with free video lectures, trainings, and tutorials on many different subjects. I use it mainly for programming, but from what I have seen so far, their lessons are very explained really well, they talk about interesting things and solve current problems. I usually visit it when I want to learn something new or when I want to find a solution to a problem that I am encountering for the first time in my work.

Forplay – Forplay is a modern online portal where I find news and interesting details about some of my favorite things – movies, games, gaming events. I like the website’s design and that it is full of interesting, useful and detailed information.

9gag – We can’t not include 9gag, right? Whenever I want to relax and unwind, I visit the website, laugh for a few minutes and feel better. I like the fact that there are a lot of funny publications, as well as more serious ones giving different views on a specific topic.

Nikola Mihaylov – back-end developer


StackOverFlowThis is one of the largest developer communities. I use it whenever I face a problem I cannot solve, or I want to learn something new. I find answers to all of my professional inquires but also great advice, recommendations, and tips.

Livescore – Since the only requirement was to be honest, this is my second choice. Livescore is one of my most visited websites and closely related to my other thing that greatly interests me (besides programming) – football. This is the way (or by practicing the sport itself) I relax and unwind There I follow the results that interest me, and then I visit various sports media.

TheWorld’sWorstWebsiteEver – This is my favorite place on the Internet. I particularly like the design, the detailed information it offers, and the news section. Okay, it’s clear that I’m kidding, right? 🙂 My third choice is the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Joe Rogan has started as a stand-up comedian and currently hosts one of the most popular podcasts in the world. Extremely captivating, he talks about important and/or fun things and invites many interesting guests.


These were part of our favorite websites. We hope this has been interesting to you and you already feel like you know the people from Tendrik’s team better. If you have more questions about us, we are, of course, available. And we, in turn, would be more than pleased to hear about your most favorite websites. Go on! 🙂

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