Business Storm – the interactive business event comes in Bulgaria this September

business storm

On September 8th, Sofia Live Club will hold the very first edition of Business Storm in Bulgaria, that will incorporate unique and unseen so far interactive format. More than 400 managers, team leaders, experts, business owners and other specialists will take part in the Bulgarian Business Storm.

The keynote speaker at the event will be Simon Bucknall – an international lecturer, who has consulted a number of managers, entrepreneurs, business leaders and specialists in different fields in more than 20 countries all over the world, including leaders of companies which are either part of the London Stock Exchange – FTSE 100, or part of Fortune 100. Additionally, Simon has trained professionals in various business programs in the UK, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Japan and others. His skills and proven results are apparent in his extensive portfolio that includes working with organizations like Shell, London Business School, NHS, and General Electric. He is often perceived as an expert on public speaking and communications, as well as a commentator in debates on BBC World News, Radio BBC London, and Middle Eastern media.


This September he’s presenting 4 interactive master class trainings:

  1. The Red Hot Elevator Pitch
  2. Public Speaking Masterity
  3. Business Storytelling
  4. Communication Secrets

During the event there also will be a Forum of the Business Experts, where distinguished Bulgarian entrepreneurs and business leaders will showcase their presentations and workshops on revolutionary ideas and case studies in a variety of industries. Announced names include: Svetlin Nakov – founder of SoftUni, Marina Stefanova – CSR Expert, and Dr. Krasimira Chemishanska – President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. More experts are expected to announce their involvement at the forum in the next few days.
The event will also include 1:1 personal business consulting, two free business e-books, free online training sessions, international business know-how, unique content, alongside may other elements of the rich program of the event is to herald a real business storm. This format is designed for small and medium-sized businesses, start-ups and corporations, and is dedicated to entrepreneurs, managers, team leaders, CEOs, community leaders and other professionals.

On the event’s website you can get acquainted with more details about it and its schedule, as well as to find information about the different types of tickets available. With Tendrik’s promo code, giving you 10% OFF the ticket’s price, you can buy one on a preferential price to the very start of the event.

Promo code: TENDRIK

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