Remarketing: how to remind your customers of your business


To some extent, the internet spoiled customers a bit and changed their behavior. Clients now know that your business has to work for their pleasure, while the market needs to offer them a wide variety of products and services. Additionally, you may well have seen how a potential customer not only visits your website, but […]

Digital marketing. Again?

digital marketing by tendrik

Yes, again. Because no matter how many times we talk about it being tightly connected to other business processes in the organization (regardless of whether your business is off- or online), digital marketing still gets neglected. In reality, however, it plays a significant role in your success in sales, advertising campaigns, or building long-term relationships with your clients. […]

Bulgarian among the world’s 10 most outstanding persons

Sofia Kalinova became one of the 10 Outstanding Young Persons of the World for 2015, beating a serious competition in the face of over 200 pretenders from all over the world. The TOYP initiative (Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World) belongs to the international youth organization JCI (Junior Chamber International), and Bulgaria enters the […]

How to rank first in Google search results: 4 best practices to follow


The definition for a successful modern business includes its above satisfactory presentation in an online environment. Moreover, it is exactly the Web that might serve as your project’s best popularization channel, depending on your niche. Whenever we talk about “popularity”, we can’t glance over a very important prerequisite for accumulating this phenomenon. After all, how […]

Marketing by email – spam or a revenue source?

Thanks to online marketing, not only can businesses reach out to new clients, but they can also advertise and sell products on a virtually infinite market. One of its means – the email marketing, is usually recognized as a core working principle for expanding your sales and market reach. Even though mail recipients may see […]

Open Source Platforms And Why You Should Be Using Them

In recent years open source software has accumulated a steady fan base. Thus, it comes without any surprise that you can come across platforms, pieces of software or even mobile apps, all based on the open source principles. And while we can surely focus ourselves on the variety of open source (and open culture) products […]