20 of the best free stock photos websites

20 websites free stock images blog post image en 1

As we know, the perfect image is an essential part of any content on the Internet. But finding the perfect picture is not always an easy task.

That is why we decided to share some of the sources we use. In this article, we have gathered some of the websites that provide free stock photos and which have been approved by us as well. Of course, it is not always possible to use a stock photo for our content, but quite often (due to the great variety they offer) these websites prove to be extremely useful. Before we give you the list with vast image resource suitable for your project/business – be it a blog, an online store, social media posts, etc., we must add something important.

Most of the images (or overall content) provided on the internet must be used under different licenses and rules. We are talking about decency, morals and being safe from a legal point of view – we must comply with the author’s/website’s requirements. This way we not only show respect for someone else’s work but avoid any negative consequences.

What are the most common licenses are and what they mean?

PD (public domain) – There are no limitation – the content can be used as we see fit.

CC (creative commons) – some rights reserved. CC allows the original work to be copied and distributed non-commercially. Some of the types (CC0, CC-BY, BY-SA, BY-NC, BY-ND, BY-NC-SA, BY-NC-ND) also allow free commercial use.

creative commons

Now onto the list itself:

1. Yeah!Stock Photos

This website was created with the idea to provide high quality content absolutely free of charge. They believe the best things in life should be free, so they offer only high-quality photos with HD resolution that are royalty free, attribution free, and can be used for personal or commercial purposes. The variety of photos is not that big  (though the website is being periodically updated with new content), but you can some really great photos there and use them however you like.


2. Unsplash

Unsplash is one of the most famous websites for stock images. You can find a wide variety of huge, breathtaking photographs there. There are not any fake and cliche poses, only real pictures made by really good photographers. Every 10 days, 10 new beautiful images are added and all are completely free to use.


3. Pexels CC0

Good selection of high-resolution images. Pexels adds 30 new images to its collection each week.


4. Free Range Stock

A completely free platform for sharing good quality photos. The only condition is to have a registration, but this will be paid for with awesome photos afterwards.

free range stock

5. Get RefeTumblr

A place where anyone (who wants) can share real photos of their daily lives and download the available ones on the website.


6. Public Domain Pictures

Contains thousands of photographs of varying quality that are completely free to use.

public domain pictures

7. Re:splashed

A cool place with thousands of high quality images, completely free to use.


8. Pixabay CC0

Pixabay offers a rich variety of free and interesting images and videos. Check out the editor’s pick – you can find some great stuff there.


9. Free Images Red CC0

The creators of the website were dedicated to help you find what you are looking for. The vast variety of photos and vector images, the many different categories prove that.

free images red

10. Jaymantri CC0

Great images that we can use however we please or edit to result in a truly perfect magical piece.


11. SplitShire

Designed specifically to give you the necessary photos for your commercial needs.



The website has gathered amazing images waiting to be used. The photographer of all photos is Ryan McGuire and are free to use.


13. Visual Hunt CC0

Find the perfect image – here you will find several hundred thousand great images, completely free to use.

visual hunt

14. Public Domain Archive

A public library that boosts your creativity with both modern and vintage photography.

public domain archive

15. LifeOfPix

Free high-resolution photos and gifs. The captivating photographs and breathtaking views will help you in your quest to find exactly what you need. Check out also the “Photographer of the Week” category.

life of pix

16. RealisticShots

As the name suggests, this site offers realistic candid photos from our everyday life. They are free for commercial and non-commercial purposes, and each week 7 new images are added to the website’s archive. The only downside is that most of the images are not with very high resolution.

realistic shots

17. MMTStock CC0

In addition to the awesome archive of amazing photos that are suitable for different purposes (and updated every week), they also have a blog that offers useful and informative content.

mmt stock

18. NegativeSpace CC0

Great photos with high resolution that are absolutely free to use.

negative space


Another platform, offering plenty of high quality pictures.


20. TheStocks

We saved the best for the end. This platform offers some of the best sources for free photos. TheStocks gathers websites with only high quality photography. We are extremely grateful for this website, it is of immense help for our project, businesses, (non-)commercial activities and anything else we might need.

the stocks



BONUS: Death to Stock Photos

Once you subscribe, you will get a monthly selection of great high quality photos straight into your inbox with no extra effort or spam!

death to stock



P.S. Creative Commons Search Enginehttp://search.creativecommons.org/, is also a pretty good place to look for images on the Internet.


We hope this article have been helpful. We would gladly accept any opinions or additions to our list.

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